Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Rastafari Conquer in Barbados


Time to 'get back to religion'


DIRECTOR of Pinelands Creative Workshop (PCW), Rodney Grant, said society had to be prepared to "tackle the whole issueof religion".

And, more importantly, try to find out why the youth were moving away from Christianity.

His comment came Wednesday night at a town hall meeting at Queen's College, Husbands, St James, where the National Strategic Plan of Barbados 2005-2025 was discussed.

Grant was one of four panellists discussing the first goal: Inspired, Exulting, Free: Unleashing The Spirit Of The Nation, during the meeting that lasted more than two hours.

"Our young people, our young generation, are seriously moving away from this Christian fundamental and they are almost part of a cultural revolution almost reminiscent of the 1930s in Jamaica when the people in large numbers embraced Rastafarianism, as a flagship against the struggles of society that we were going through at the time.

"You see more of our people taking on the identity, not necessarily all the concepts, but some of the superficial identities like locks, the natural hair, the colours that they wear. It is something that we must pay attention to," he said.

He continued: "A large part of our society, which is our youth, is seeking an alternative to Christianity. Religion to me is a fundamental aspect of who we are as a people. In Africa this was the foundation of the society, it determined
all things.

"It was the aspect that framed socialisation, in fact societies were framed by the religion, it was how the elders were determined, how the rites of passage were determined . . .

"Our young people are caught up in a whirlwind where they are seeking an alternative and we must be willing to deal with it . . ."

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